There is more money to be saved after the installation than during the bid process. SPC STARDoc is a cloud-based portal for all your copiers and printers. It is especially helpful in managing a large number of machines. While annual reports look back in time, STARDoc studies your printing habits and projects forward, setting up your future budgets. Our unique monthly audits point out where you are going over budget. This allows your organization to make the necessary adjustments before your budgets are consumed. This is especially crucial with color printing.


Print / Copier Fleet Management just got easier with SPC STARDoc. By merging historical data with current data, STARDoc studies your printing/copying habits and then is able to predict your future cost. Here are just some of the features you will find in STARDoc.

HOME PAGE: Gauges allow for an at-a-glance review of usage on each building to visually see where locations are going over budget. The home page also shows the overall volume being used compared to budget, the number of devices under contract, and how many of those are reporting.

SPC STARDoc Print Management

WHICH MACHINES ARE AFFECTING YOUR BUDGET? A box will pop up by clicking on one of the gauges, allowing you to scroll through just the equipment running over budget.

SPC STARDoc annual black volume chart

CHARTS: A colorful visual aid to see and compare past budgeted and actual usage with the current budget and projected usage

Color cost comparison

INDUSTRY AVERAGE: Select an option to see the industry average usage per student among our school district clients.

Cost Projections with SPC STARDoc

COST BY BUILDING: See which buildings are going over or under budget and what you can expect to pay at year-end with no adjustments to usage.


STARDoc has been custom developed and designed by SPC print management specialists to assist their clients to more efficiently and effectively manage all of their devices remotely. Featured are detailed interactive floor plans for each floor of every building, showing exactly where each device is. The live floor plans provide online, real-time information on each device daily, including meter reads. Your IT can easily move equipment from room to room.

Live floorplans SPC STARDoc


By merging historical data with current data, STARDoc studies your printing/copying habits and then is able to predict your printing budget.

STARDoc will quickly become an invaluable tool to both management and IT. It's gauges and live floor plans will allow you to monitor and immediately make corrections to departments that may push you over budget long before you receive that unexpected overage invoice.

Cost Projections with SPC STARDoc
Cost Projections with SPC STARDoc

With SPC's Cloud-Based Web Site, all your critical data will now be available with a click of a mouse!

SPC STARDoc annual black volume chart

SPC STARDoc lets you know when overbudget

Color cost comparison


Service History Feature


Service History Report

Service History Report

Service History Report